Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Deuce High Mock Draft Challenge

Who will go #1 in the 2011 NFL Draft?
Deuce High will be having a Mock Draft Challenge this year. details coming soon. If you are interested please email us at to get on the list for announcements.

 Mock Draft deadline will be 24 hours prior to the draft and hopefully I can get them uploaded to google docs so that they will be visible throughout. I will have Twitter updates of scoring so be sure to follow us @deucehigh!

There will be scoring for correct picks as well as trades.

Let's enjoy the last football we might have for a while!

It would be great to get twitters from anyone who participates, this way we can continually tweet leader boards!


  1. im in, if its a challenge what doe sthe winner get?

  2. Not 100% sure yet, looking at gr8ness tee's help support Point of Hope.
